The Steps

Step 1
Inspect What You Expect

Track Earnings and Expenditures
Keeping a close eye on your financial portfolio means no surprises when it comes to how your money is doing. Periodic “inspections” of your financial condition allow you to better manage your financial affairs. The power of the internet is now a valuable tool to monitor your personal finances online or using traditional non internet base methods such as envelope system, excel spreadsheet, etc.
Investment Risk Disclaimer
1 Information contained herein should not be construed as legal or tax advice and is intended for illustrative purposes only. All charts, graphs, estimates and projections are based upon hypothetical situations, are not representative of any particular financial condition and are not intended to represent a likely or guaranteed return or outcome for any prospective customer.
The Afortus Financial Needs Analysis is based upon source information believed to be accurate. It is an analysis to determine appropriate individual financial needs and does not constitute a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any specific financial product or service.